Sunday, September 17, 2017

Article Response #3 Beauty Work

Reading this article I was not really surprised by the fact that everyone in Hollywood movies is touched up. These are the impossible beauty standards which perpetuate other cosmetically centered industries, and which as women we are all aware of. What took me by surprise was the sheer amount of time and energy which goes into the process of cinema "touch ups". The figure of months to complete work on 600 frames was astounding. It seems unnecessary to me, especially for people who are already deemed the most beautiful in the world. Considering that the technologies used come from the same developers as ones used by engineers and structural it designers it seems like a waste of time and effort, but, you know, get money. Hearing that people used these services on home videos saddened me, it seems delusional to believe you must uphold that standard in your daily life, but I could not place myself in their shoes.

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